Helping Your ClinicianYour clinician will plan your new set of dentures with meticulous attention to detail
and the information you can provide is essential to this process.
Some of the questions he or she may ask are shown below. You may want to
consider them before going into the surgery.
People often look best when teeth of a similar size and shape to their original
teeth are chosen. If you have a photograph showing them, then bring it with you
since it will help with the choice.
Note: Sometimes it helps to have a friend or member of your family present when
the final set-up of the teeth in wax is checked to make sure that the appearance
is just right. Discuss this with your clinician. At this stage teeth can easily be
repositioned, afterwards they can't.
You may find the information on the links below helpful for when you next discuss
your dentures with your dentist.
Enigma Cosmetic Denture Patient Literature Helping your dentist information sheet |
Enigma - the teeth behind natural
looking cosmetic dentures